Adventure awaits

Maybe you are looking to take on a new challenge, or discover something new about the world or yourself?

Maybe you just need a change of scenery?

Strap on a rucksack and join us on a wild adventure. Our expeditions take you off-grid and give you the chance to build your leadership and teamwork skills whilst exploring our extraordinary national parks.

Upcoming Expeditions


Peaks Adventure Trek

4-8 September 2023 (Applications are now closed)


Info for Partners

If you are an organisation or individual working with young people, aged 17-25, and know a young person who could benefit from participating in our expeditions then we want to connect with you.

Can I join an expedition?

To get involved with an expedition, you must:

  • Be aged 17-25 at the time of the expedition

  • Have an open mind and be willing to go on an adventure

  • Be supported in your application by a support worker, social worker or youth organisation you are involved with

You DON’T need to have any previous skills or experience in the outdoors!

 “You do not need to be extraordinary or a genius to go on an adventure. You simply have to go.”

— Alastair Humphreys, British Adventurer